Dhand Lab

Social Sensors and Stroke Recovery
This project will establish a novel method of measuring person-to-person contact using audio sensors. The project aims to determine the accuracy of social sensors in laboratory and clinical settings, the feasibility to detect social isolation, and the ability to translate the results into

Social Networks and Delayed Arrival to Hospital
Delayed arrival to the hospital, which occurs more often in racial minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged patients, is the single most important reason for not receiving curable treatments for stroke. This study aims to understand the social network mechanisms that drive this health disparity by measuring and modeling social networks of patients and persons in their networks during stroke.

Former NFL Football Players' Personal Networks
We examine the personal networks of retired NFL football players across the United States using a remote REDCap-based survey. After the players fill out the survey, they will receive a picture of their network and description of the findings.

Social Networks and Stroke Outcomes
In the over 795,000 adults who have stroke annually, the morbidity is due to an interplay of neurological impairment and social and emotional consequences. This research examines the social element of stroke by focusing on the social structures in which patients are embedded, and their influence on clinical outcomes. The ultimate goal of these studies is to develop novel social network interventions that improve stroke recovery. View graphical representations of social networks from the study here.

The Human Network Initiative
An interdisciplinary research center housed at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. It strives to uncover the central role that interpersonal networks play in our health and well being; as well as creating tools, programs, and interventions which leverage this research in the burgeoning field of network science. Learn more here.

Hospital Networks
The way hospitals are connected through sharing patients may influence care outcomes (e.g., mortality), spread of infection diseases, and delivery of health education. We use administrative health data to study hospital networks of acute and chronic illnesses and the transfer of stroke patients. These networks are an underrecognized source of hospital-related outcomes.